
Carleton Shores Board of Directors

As stated in the Association By-Laws, the Board of Directors shall exercise all of the powers of the Association except such as are by law, the Articles of Organization or these By Laws conferred upon or reserved to the members. The Board of Directors, based on a projected annual budget, shall establish subject to majority approval of the members at the Annual Meeting, a fixed amount of dues to be paid by each member for each subdivided or undivided parcel of land owned. It is understood that, as representatives of the association, the Board shall have as its object the maintenance and upkeep of the areas and ways.

Terms and Eligibility

There are nine Board members, and they are elected at the Annual Meeting to serve for a term of three years. New Directors to fill a vacancy on the Board may be appointed for an unexpired term by a majority of the Directors. All Association members, in good standing, are eligible to run for election to the Board. The President and officers of the Board are elected at the first meeting of the Board in October.

Agendas and Minutes

Board meeting dates for 2020-21 are: November 12, January 14, March 18, June 17, July 15, August 12, and September 15. The 2021 Annual Meeting will be held on August 22. Contact a CSA Board member for meeting locations and/or to add to a Board meeting agenda. Minutes available on request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us:

To email the CSA Board, use Board(at)carletonshores(dot)com.

To email the CSA Treasurer, use Treasurer(at)carletonshores(dot)com.

Board Member Phone
Jayne Burke, Secretary 617-803-0648
Ed Collupy, Treasurer 919-775-9696
Rebecca Reeves 908-285-1717
Mike Doak 508-737-4665
Maria Michaud 508-364-3848
Jane Akin 781-492-8825
Michael Myers, President 508-888-4749
Keryn Wojciechowski 508-8880840
Kandi Zarba, Vice President 508-888-8203
Greg Dundorf, Treasurer 908-285-1717  

Carleton Shores Association P.O. Box 306 East Sandwich, MA 02537