
Beach Parking

The beach is open year-round to Carleton Shores residents and their guests. To properly identify association member and guest vehicles, the Board issues CSA Parking Permits. These are hanging tags that are to be affixed to the rear view mirror, placed on the front of the dashboard, or taped to the rear window of the vehicle. Please note: These tags are numbered and have been assigned to each family.

REMINDER: The permit use is not limited to high-traffic weekend hours. All vehicles parked in the beach parking lot must have the permit displayed, regardless of the time or day. Vehicles that cannot be properly identified or are otherwise parked illegally WILL BE TOWED.

It is important that you are aware that we have arranged with a towing company and they will tow illegally parked cars at our request. If you see cars without proper tags you should contact Mike Myers (508-888-4749) or Bill Curran (508-888-7476). They have authority to request a car be towed.

If you have renters, you must provide parking tags for their use.

Residents and their guests, renters, etc. have the responsibility to keep our neighborhood and our beach safe and peaceful.

Some Questions About Your Carleton Shores Neighborhood Oceanfront >>>>>

Replacing lost beach parking tags

Each lot has been assigned four numbered beach parking tags. These numbered tags are recorded with your name so that we can better monitor and control the use of the tags.

Please note: If you have lost a tag or tags and require a replacement, you must return whatever tags remain from your set of four and you will be charged a $25 fee for each missing tag. You will then be issued a new complete set of four tags. You can contact Jayne Burke at 617-803-0648 or email at for replacements.

Volunteer Beach Parking duties

Greg Dundorf (with help from Rebecca Reeves) manage the volunteer beach parking schedule. If you have volunteered, you will receive a schedule in early June showing all volunteers and dates of coverage. If for some reason you cannot cover your assigned slot, please attempt to switch with someone else on the schedule. Greg’s phone is (908) 500-3933 and email is Thank you for your participation! This program has been very successful is keeping our beach parking lot available for residents and their guests on summer weekends.

If you haven’t yet volunteered for beach parking lot duty, please reach out to Greg. It is a great way to meet your neighbors.

Click Here to View>>>>> Beach Lot Volunteers as of July 15, 2022